
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2013


1. THE CONTRADICTION OF CHRISTIAN WITNESS The testimony, the word that best approached the people of God to the idea of ​​the testimony was the pact, statute and judgment, the etymology of the word we call testimony today comes from the Romans who in their judgments were sworn to their witnesses swearing to tell the truth by his testicles, so the Latin word come from witness testimony and "testicle" the risk of living by the truth or lose the ability to inheritance and survival of your name. Christians talk a lot about taking care of our testimony, but when we say this generally understand that concern us as we look to others, ie make the judgment that the rest of us as Christians because we understand that we are or should be an example to world of our being in Christ.  We in the words of Jesus are "the light of the world", we are "the salt of the earth" and even Paul encouraged the churches to keep a behavior worthy of our Lord Jesus Christ to be